Singing Guide: Crosby & Nash

Singing Guide: Crosby & Nash

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Crosby and Nash is a great way to develop your harmonizing skills. Their unique harmonizing style is renowned and has been evident in many of their most famous songs. But how can you learn to sing like the legendary duo?

To start with, it would help if you were familiar with their work. Listen to some of their most famous songs to get a sense of their vocal range, tonality, and methods. A few songs showcasing their unique style include "Guinevere," "Our House," and "Teach Your Children," to name but a few.

To master their singing style, you will need to focus on practicing harmonizing. Start by learning the melody of a song, then focus on finding the harmonies that compliment it. Sing together with other singers, using the notes to create a harmonious blend that is pleasing to the ears. One way to do this is to use the Pitch Training from Singing Carrots, where you will learn how to match the pitch of your voice with the pitch of other notes.

Another key aspect of Crosby and Nash's singing style is their use of open-mouth singing. By singing with an open mouth, you can improve your tonality and projection. Open-mouth singing also provides a natural reverberation that enriches the sound and increases the clarity of your voice. The article Why to Open Mouth & Throat while Singing from Singing Carrots explains this key aspect of singing in detail.

To sing like Crosby and Nash, you'll need to experiment with vibrato, which gives vocals a unique wavering quality. Listen to "Just a Song Before I Go" to hear the pair's use of vibrato. The video Beggars Bounce from Singing Carrots demonstrates how to achieve vibrato.

Finally, posture plays a significant role in singing and can affect the sound of your voice. Keep your back straight and shoulders back with feet shoulder-distance apart. This helps in maintaining a good airflow and vocal stability while singing. Learn more about how posture affects your singing from the article How Posture Affects Your Singing.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Crosby and Nash requires practice, experimentation, and a focus on harmonizing and tonality. Use Pitch Training, open-mouth singing, vibrato techniques, and focus on posture to improve your vocal harmonies and to sing more like Crosby and Nash.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.